workshops & groups
Nature Connection Workshop & group
This workshop focuses on deepening our connection with nature and Mother Earth. During these emotionally trying times: the pandemic, rising of consciousness of social injustices, and our diminishing health of our ecological system, it is important that we have resources to keep up our resiliency and stamina. Nature, for thousands of years has been offering us her resources to heal and rejuvenate us. We will be doing contemplative work with nature to empower our authentic selves. Look forward to a balance of quiet time in solitude and sharing as a group.​
Length of workshop varies from two-hours to all day, depending on needs expressed by group beforehand. As well, on going support groups can be arranged.
Workshops are limited to 4-6 participants in a group (due to Covid outbreak).
The group is one you gather as the host and Anne guides. Or a workshop and on-going groups can be created for client's recommended by other care and wellness professionals.
​Cost is $20 per person for two-hour workshop or group in the Milwaukee area. Sliding scale is available for those experiencing current financial strains.
Please call if you are interested in hosting a Nature Connection workshop or would like your client to participate in one.
About the Guides
Anne DeSellier is psychotherapist whose focus is using contemplative nature-based practices. Anne wants to share her joy and wonder for the natural world and its healing and restorative properties with others through these workshops. She believes deeply that we can live in harmony with Earth when we stop experiencing ourselves as separate from nature, we are nature.
Julie Hamrick has been passionate about the outdoors since childhood, “I am happiest in nature.” Julie also shares in the philosophy that we can live in harmony with the Earth, experiencing ourselves as a part of nature and not separate from.
*Titled after book Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We're in without Going Crazy, by Joanna Macy and Chris Johnstone (2012)
"Active Hope is about finding, and offering, our best response to the crisis of sustainability unfolding in our world. It offers tools that help us face the mess we’re in, as well as find and play our role in the collective transition, or Great Turning, to a life-sustaining society...The book guides the reader through a transformational process informed by mythic journeys, modern psychology, spirituality and holistic science. This process equips us with tools to face the mess we’re in and play our role in the collective transition, or Great Turning, towards a life-sustaining society." (2020)
To create a safe space for people to receive support, grounding, and inspiration, from within, one another, and the natural world. We will be utilizing the Work That Reconnect's Spiral. The Spiral moves from gratitude, to honoring our pain for the world, to seeing with new eyes and ends with going forth.
What to expect
a balance of learning, listening, and sharing
space to honor one's pain and passion for world
a deeper sense of “what is mine to do” at this time
supportive practices for staying grounded
This 90 minute workshop is offered outdoors or on zoom,
responding to needs of participants. The group size is to
3 to 6 participants outdoors and 3-8 participants on zoom.
The group is one you gather as the host and Anne guides.
Cost is donation based, all are welcomed regardless of
financial situation. Suggested donation $10 per meeting.
Please call if you are interested in hosting an Active Hope